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We are seeking to raise seed funding

Investors Connect

Investors Connect

Interested in investing in the future of cybersecurity?

Interested in investing in the future of cybersecurity?

Excalibur by Cyberagi is an AI-driven penetration testing platform designed to meet the modern cybersecurity challenges head-on. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to automate the detection and validation of vulnerabilities across digital systems, offering businesses a proactive approach to cybersecurity.

Excalibur by Nexus Infosec is an AI-driven penetration testing platform designed to meet the modern cybersecurity challenges head-on.

It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to automate the detection of vulnerabilities across digital systems, offering businesses a proactive approach to cybersecurity.

Excalibur by Cyberagi is an AI-driven penetration testing platform designed to meet the modern cybersecurity challenges head-on. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to automate the detection and validation of vulnerabilities across digital systems, offering businesses a proactive approach to cybersecurity.

For investors, Excalibur offers a straightforward opportunity to tap into the burgeoning, multi-million-dollar AI cybersecurity market.

For investors, Excalibur offers a straightforward opportunity to tap into the burgeoning, multi-million-dollar AI cybersecurity market.

For investors, Excalibur offers a straightforward opportunity to tap into the burgeoning, multi-million-dollar AI cybersecurity market.

Time: Streamlined Efficiency


Time: Streamlined Efficiency


Time: Streamlined Efficiency


Money: Direct Cost Savings


Money: Direct Cost Savings


Money: Direct Cost Savings


Quality: Continuous Improvement


Quality: Continuous Improvement


Quality: Continuous Improvement


Why we are building it?

Why we are building it?

We are building Excalibur to address a critical gap in the cybersecurity landscape: the need for faster, more intelligent, and scalable penetration testing solutions that can keep pace with rapidly evolving cyber threats. In an environment where attackers continually refine their techniques, traditional and manual penetration testing methods are often too slow, labor-intensive, and struggle to cover the breadth and depth of potential vulnerabilities.

By harnessing the power of AI, Excalibur aims to automate and enhance the penetration testing process, providing comprehensive validated security assessments at a speed and accuracy that manual efforts cannot match. This not only makes cybersecurity more accessible and effective for businesses of all sizes but also frees up human cybersecurity professionals to focus on more complex and strategic tasks that require human insight.

Our mission with Excalibur is to reach Cyber AGI and to fortify digital defenses in an increasingly vulnerable digital world, ensuring that organizations can confidently navigate the cyber landscape with a tool that's designed to evolve and adapt as fast as the threats it's built to combat.

We are building Excalibur to address a critical gap in the cybersecurity landscape: the need for faster, more intelligent, and scalable penetration testing solutions that can keep pace with rapidly evolving cyber threats. In an environment where attackers continually refine their techniques, traditional and manual penetration testing methods are often too slow, labor-intensive, and struggle to cover the breadth and depth of potential vulnerabilities.

By harnessing the power of AI, Excalibur aims to automate and enhance the penetration testing process, providing comprehensive validated security assessments at a speed and accuracy that manual efforts cannot match. This not only makes cybersecurity more accessible and effective for businesses of all sizes but also frees up human cybersecurity professionals to focus on more complex and strategic tasks that require human insight.

Our mission with Excalibur is to reach Cyber AGI and to fortify digital defenses in an increasingly vulnerable digital world, ensuring that organizations can confidently navigate the cyber landscape with a tool that's designed to evolve and adapt as fast as the threats it's built to combat.

We are building Excalibur to address a critical gap in the cybersecurity landscape: the need for faster, more intelligent, and scalable penetration testing solutions that can keep pace with rapidly evolving cyber threats.

In an environment where attackers continually refine their techniques, traditional and manual penetration testing methods are often too slow,

labor-intensive, and struggle to cover the breadth and depth of potential vulnerabilities.

By harnessing the power of AI, Excalibur aims to automate and enhance the penetration testing process, providing comprehensive validated security assessments at a speed and accuracy that manual efforts cannot match. This not only makes cybersecurity more accessible and effective for businesses of all sizes but also frees up human cybersecurity professionals to focus on more complex and strategic tasks that require human insight.

Our mission with Excalibur is to reach Cyber AGI and to fortify digital defenses in an increasingly vulnerable digital world, ensuring that organizations can confidently navigate the cyber landscape with a tool

that's designed to evolve and adapt as fast as the threats it's built to combat.

Market Statistics where we make a significant impact.

Market Statistics where we make a significant impact.

Market Statistics where we make a significant impact.

Security Solutions Vendor Market

$266 billion by 2027

Security Solutions Vendor Market

$266 billion by 2027

Global Cybersecurity Market Size

$345.4 billion by 2026

Global Cybersecurity Market Size

$345.4 billion by 2026

Security Solutions Vendor Market

$266 billion by 2027

Annual Spend on Cyber Teams

$100 million annually

Annual Spend on Cyber Teams

$100 million annually

Want to speak with our Founder & CEO about investment?

Want to speak with our Founder & CEO about investment?

Want to speak with our Founder & CEO about investment?

Experience Excalibur

Next-Generation Cybersecurity
with Intelligent AI Agents


Cyberagi Inc
Delaware, The United States of America

251 Little Falls Drive
Wilmington, DE 19808

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Cyberagi Inc


Experience Excalibur

Next-Generation Cybersecurity
with Intelligent AI Agents


Cyberagi Inc
Delaware, The United States of America

251 Little Falls Drive
Wilmington, DE 19808

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Cyberagi Inc


Experience Excalibur

Next-Generation Cybersecurity
with Intelligent AI Agents


The United States of America

251 Little Falls Drive
Wilmington, DE 19808

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Cyberagi Inc